Nonprofit website design

Project: Website design

Built on: Squarespace

Timeline: 4 Weeks

CHOOSE 180 transforms systems of injustice & supports the young people who are too often impacted by those systems.

Choose 180 is a nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming the lives of youth and young adults by diverting them from the criminal legal system and empowering them with the skills and support needed to make positive choices. Over time, the organization’s website had become outdated, both in terms of content and visual appeal, which hindered its ability to effectively communicate its mission and engage with its audience.


  • Modernize the Website: Update the overall look and feel of the website to make it more appealing and user-friendly.
  • Enhance Visual Identity: Incorporate new graphics and design elements to strengthen Choose 180’s brand identity.
  • Improve Informational Hierarchy: Reorganize the content to make it more accessible and easier to navigate.
  • Update Content: Refresh outdated information to ensure accuracy and relevance.


  • The existing website had a cluttered layout with outdated information, making it difficult for users to find important details about programs, events, and ways to get involved.
  • Visual elements were inconsistent with the organization’s evolving brand identity.
  • The informational hierarchy was confusing, leading to a poor user experience.

About the Project

Discovery Phase

  • Stakeholder Interviews: Conducted interviews with key stakeholders to understand their vision, goals, and specific requirements for the new website.
  • User Research: Gathered insights from the website’s analytics to identify pain points and areas for improvement.


Design Phase

  • Wireframing: Created wireframes to outline the new structure and layout of the website, focusing on a clean, intuitive design.
  • Visual Design: Developed a cohesive visual identity using new graphics, color schemes, and typography that align with Choose 180’s brand values and mission.


Development Phase

  • Content Update: Collaborated with Choose 180’s team to revise and update all website content, ensuring accuracy and relevance.
  • Squarespace Integration: Implemented the new design on Squarespace, utilizing its features to enhance functionality and responsiveness.
  • Testing: Conducted thorough testing across various devices and browsers to ensure a seamless user experience.


Launch Phase

  • Training: Provided training sessions for Choose 180’s staff on managing and updating the new website.
  • Support: Offered post-launch support to address any issues and ensure smooth operation.

Modernized Website

The new website features a clean, modern design that is visually appealing and easy to navigate. The updated layout and design elements have significantly improved the overall user experience.


Enhanced Visual Identity

The addition of new graphics and design elements has strengthened Choose 180’s visual identity. The website now effectively conveys the organization’s mission and values through its design.


Improved Informational Hierarchy

The reorganized content structure makes it easier for users to find information about programs, events, and ways to get involved. Key information is now prominently displayed and easily accessible.


Updated Content

All website content has been refreshed to ensure accuracy and relevance. This has improved communication with the audience and increased engagement.


User Feedback

Feedback from users has been overwhelmingly positive. Donors, volunteers, and program participants have all noted the improved usability and visual appeal of the new website.

The redesigned Choose 180 website successfully addressed the challenges of the previous site. By modernizing the design, enhancing the visual identity, improving the informational hierarchy, and updating content, we have created a powerful tool that supports Choose 180’s mission and engages its audience more effectively. This project not only met but exceeded the client’s expectations, providing them with a dynamic and user-friendly platform to further their important work.